Purpose This report is the second and final step in the process of archivingprofile allocations and usage factors. It deletes profile allocationsand usage factors on the basis of the archive created beforehand. INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_AOBJ_EUFASS OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_TRANSAKTIONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_EUFASS_INTEGRATION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E Features The deletion report reads usage factors and profile allocations that were archived in an archiving run and deletes the correspondingentries from the database tables. The following exceptions apply when deleting profile allocations:> Only profile allocations with a to-date that is lower than or equal tothe retention period (for the profile allocation for the installation)are deleted from the database. All other entries are archived but arenot deleted from the database. Only the ARCH_AB field in the EUFASS(profile allocations) table is set to '00000000' on the database. Thisensures that it is still possible to perform another archiving run withthe old entry. If a profile allocation has an infinite validity period,you can use fields ARCH_AB and ARCH_BIS to determine exactly which usagefactors for which profile were archived from when until when.Selection When you start the report, you can make various settings on the initialscreen.
- Test run>: If you start the report as a test run, no changes are
made to the database
- Production run>: Changes are made to the database
- Detail log>: Display detail log with detailed data for every
analyzed data record (this can become very complex with large amounts ofdata)