INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_AOBJ_EUFASS OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_TRANSAKTIONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_EUFASS_INTEGRATION OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Features First, all ELPASS entries are selected that meet the selection criteriaand whose ARCH_BIS date is '00000000' (this prevents an analysis frombeing executed again before the deletion report has started). The usagefactors that lie within the period of the relevant profile allocationsand the period of the retention period for the usage factors are thenselected. You define the retention period in Customizing under >. You can define different retention periods for the usage factor andthe profile allocation. However, the retention period for the profileallocation must always be longer than that for the usage factor. You can use BAdI The following new fields have been added to table ELPASS especially forarchiving purposes: ARCH_AB (From-Date of Last Archiving) and ARCH_BIS (To-Date of LastArchiving) The fields contain the following entries: RESET N1 If usage factors are found for the profile allocation and the profileallocations are being archived for the first time (ARCH_BIS is set to'00000000'), the ARCH_AB field contains the ELPASS from-date. If theprofile allocation entry has been archived before, the ARCH_AB date isone day higher than the old ARCH_BIS date. In both cases, the newARCH_BIS date is the highest to-date of the profile allocation entry(EUFASS entry). If no usage factors are found for the profile allocation, the systemchecks whether the ELPASS to-date is higher than the retention period.If it is, the entry has an infinite validity period. Scenario 1: If the ELPASS to-date is higher than the retention period,the entry is deleted and is not taken into account for archiving. Scenario 2: If the ELPASS to-date is not higher than the retentionperiod, the system checks whether the profile allocations are beingarchived for the first time (ARCH_BIS is set to '00000000'). Scenario a: If it is the first archiving, the ARCH_AB field contains theELPASS from-date. Scenario b: If the profile allocation entry has been archived before,the ARCH_AB date is one day higher than the old ARCH_BIS date. In both cases, the new ARCH_BIS date is the date of the retentionperiod. The fields mentioned above are updated in the database. The changes inthe two fields help you to find the data in the archive and to determineuntil when each entry was archived. Selection |