Title Delete Archived Profile Values Purpose This report is the second step in the archiving process for profilevalues. It deletes values based on the previously created archive. INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_AOBJ_PROFVALS OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_TRANSAKTIONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX Integration INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_PROFVALS_SEQ OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Features The deletion report reads the previously archived profile values for anarchiving run from the archive and deletes the corresponding entriesfrom the database tables. If you start the report in simulation mode, the number of lines foundin the individual database tables is checked against the documents readfrom the archive. Selection When you start the report, you can specify various criteria in theinitial screen: INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_SELECTION_STANDARD OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Notes on Program-Specific Error Messages If one of the profiles is being processed by another user during theprogram run, you cannot delete the profile values of this profile. Youcan see this in the report log under Number of Profiles not Deleted > INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_DELETE_ERROR OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN INCLUDE ISU_ARCH_ERROR OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN |