SAP Program REEDMFICALC_CONTROL - Monitor Profile Calculation

Monitor Calculation

This report contains information about the progression of a calculationrun and its status.
The overview list always displays the last (current) calculation run.
If a calculation run has not been successfully completed, the symbolsdisplayed indicate point at which the calculation was terminated.
You use the Display log for calculation run number function toanalyze the cause of error. Once you have located the error andcorrected it, you can restart the calculation. The status of thecalculation is only set to successful if no errors occurredduring the calculation. If for technical reasons it is necessary to setthe status of the calculation to successful, you can manuallychange the status of each individual step of the calculation (hierarchycreation, interval creation, calculation). However, if there are stillformula allocations containing errors, these receive an indication thatthey are still to be calculated.
If a calculation run was not successfully completed, the objectCalculation remains locked. In order to carry out a repeat run or arecalculation, you have to remove the lock using the Unlockcalculation run or Unlock calculation trigger function. Eachmanual change to the status or to a lock object is recorded in the logfor the calculation run number.
You use the Update list function to redetermine the status orthe calculation and update the displayed information.
If a program of the calculation is still active (in batch) while thereport is being carried out, you cannot change the status, nor can youunlock the calculation or the calculation trigger.
To display the log for a previous calculation run number, choose theDisplay log for calculation number function and, in theExternal ID field, enter the calculation run number with leadingzeros and, if available, the restart number as follows:
Calculation run number_restart number (for example: 000000000044_001)