SAP Program RECPCAX1 - EC-PCA: Program for Converting Texts for Profit Center Master Data

In Release 3.0D, the table keys of the master data table in ProfitCenter Accounting (tables CEPC and CEPCT) were extended to include thekey field "Controlling area" (KOKRS).
In the master data table CEPC, this field was already contained in thedata part. Consequently, it will be converted automatically.
However, this field is new in the text table CEPCT, and therefore needsto be filled using program RECPCAX1 when you upgrade your system. Thenecessary information will be read from table CEPC. This program isstarted automatically during the upgrade as a so-calledXPRA.
You can start the program again any time if it abends. It must havebeen executed succesfully once before you can maintain master data forprofit centers.