Purpose This program is called up by agents. It enables them to access theircurrent worklist here. You can select an extract and navigate to themaintenance screen. For further information on extra maintenance, seemaintain backlog entry in extract>. Once youhave made the correction, flag this extract as manually corrected. Theextract is then automatically billed again in the next BRE run. You canalso start the BRE run for the extract directly using the function startBRE run. You can then see immediately whether the correction wassuccessful or not.Integration
- Display completed extracts
If you select completed extracts in the initial screen, you can view allsuccessfully corrected extracts that are allocated to the agent. Ifyou enter a date, the system displays all extracts that have beencorrected and billed since then. If you do not enter a date, allextracts are displayed.
- Create new worklist
Once you have corrected all your allocated extracts, you can allocatenew extracts using the function worklist. The number of new, allocatedextracts depends on the following: The number of agents in the same agent group The maximum number of errors for the agent group The number of open extracts that have not yet been allocated The number of agents who are allocated to the same error cause You can find further information under customizingsettings for agent distribution>. Extracts (with errors) are equallydistributed in the following way: (Number of open extracts) + (number ofextracts allocated to the agent group or cause) divided by the numberof agents that work on this error. Extracts that are allocated via anagent group are distributed differently to extracts that are allocatedvia an error cause. When you allocate extracts via an agent group, youcan enter the maximum number of extracts that can be allocated to anagent. If you allocate extracts using a special error cause, you canonly allocate a maximum of 10 extracts.Features