Purpose You can use this report to access and read an archive directly after thearchiving report has run. You can then display some of the data in alist. Double-clicking on the premise number takes you to the premisedisplay. You need not have run the deletion program previously. The display includes the following data:
- Premises
- Connection object
- Street
- House number
- Premise type
- Object number
Integration The archiving of premises includes the following reports: 1. Archiving report> All the premises specified are analyzed with a view to a possiblearchiving. Those premises that can be archived are archived. You can use the BAdI ISU_EVBS_ARCHIVE to define additional checks tofind out whether premises can be archived. 2. Deletion report> The premises written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database tables. 3. Evaluation report> The archived premises are displayed.