&PURPOSE&> This report is the first step in the archiving of premises. Itincorporates:
- The analysis of premises with regard to a possible archiving>
- The writing of premises in an archive file, based on the analysis
performed in the first step.> The archiving object incorporates premise data from the followingtables:
- EVEBS:,,Table for premises>
The archiving object for archiving premises is ISU_EVBS. Use transaction AOBJ> to find the definition of the archivingobject and the respective Customizing. Use transaction SARA> to find the archive administration and therespective Customizing. Use transaction SARI> to find the technical view for the archivedprofile values.Integration Premise archiving incorporates the following reports: 1. Archiving report> All specified premises are analyzed with regard to a possible archiving.Contracts that can be archived are archived. You can use the BAdI ISU_EVBS_ARCHIVE to define further checks todetermine whether or not premises can be archived. 2. Deletion report> The premises written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database tables. 3. Evaluation report> Archived premises are displayed.Features The following premises are selected with the archiving report: