Title Purpose Integration Prerequisites Features
billing and print documents: If you choose this option, the simulated billing documents related toeach simulated print document will also be deleted. only billing documents: Only the simulated billing documents are deleted. However there shouldno longer be any simulated print documents related to the billingdocuments. Retention period in days (optional if key date is defined): The retention period is used to determine a date with which to comparethe creation date of the simulated print documents (if the documenttypes to be deleted are print and billing documents) or of thesimulated billing documents (if the document type to be deleted is onlybilling documents). If a document is older and fulfills the selectioncriteria described below, it is deleted. If you do not enter a retention period, you must define a key date. Key date (optional if retention period is defined): Serves the same purpose as the retention period, except that you enterthe date directly and the system does not calculate it internally. If you do not enter a retention period on the selection screen, youmust enter a key date. If you enter a retention period, you do not haveto enter a key date. Portion: By entering a portion or number interval, you can restrict theselection to just this portion. Document number: By entering individual document numbers or a number interval, you canrestrict the number of print documents to be selected. However, this is only possible if you selected print and billingdocuments as the document types to be deleted. As for print documents you can enter selection criteria for billingdocuments, to which the same rules and restrictions apply. You can only enter values if you activated the If you activate the run time restriction, the analysis reportterminates when the end date and end time is reached. This means thatyou can let the analysis report run as a job during short time frames. If you start the report as a test run, the selected documents are notdeleted from the database and statistics are only provided for thefiles that can be deleted. |