SAP Program REA_SIMINDICES_DELETE - Delete Indexes for Mass Simulation

Deletion of Simulation Indexes

Use this report to delete the indexes for mass simulation.

Important note: You must not use the report to delete individualsimulation indexes for an incomplete mass simulation. This distorts theresults of the mass simulation:

  • If you delete unbilled simulation indexes, the associated installations
  • are not simulated and are not copied to the statistics.
    • If you delete, regenerate and rebill billed indexes, the statistics are
    • duplicated in the statistics.
      Use the report after completing mass simulation or for test runs.


      Enter the ID of the simulation index that you wantto delete, in the selection screen. You can optionally restrict indexesthat refer to installation keys and simulation status.
      If you select the Delete Simulation Documents field, thesimulation billing documents belonging to the index are deleted.

      The report gives the number of deleted simulation indexes andsimulation billing documents.

      Example 1: You perform a mass simulation. You have chosed asimulation type for which the fieldSave Simulation Document is selected. Afterbilling, the simulation indexes are not deleted, but rather keep thestatus billed. After mass simulation iscomplete, use the report to delete the indexes. Do not select theDelete Simulation Documents field, because you delete thesimulation billing documents later using reportREA_SIM_DEL.
      Example 2: You test mass simulation using option Save SimulationBilling Documents. After the first billing run, you want to performa further mass simulation for the same ID. First ofall delete the mass indexes. Then regenerate the mass indexes andrebill.
      Important: In this case select the Delete SimulationDocuments field. Otherwise after the second billing, there would betwo simulation billing documents per installation. In monitoring, thiscreates problems when displaying simulation billing documents andprevents you from reversing individual simulation indexes.