Purpose You can use this report to access an archive directly after running thearchiving report, and to display some of the data in a list.Double-clicking on the installations takes you to the installation view. You must have run the delete program previously. The display includes the following data:
- Installation
- Division
- Premise
- Lock level
- Installation type
- Service
- Deregulation status
- Master agreement
- Creation data
- Change date
- Deletion flag
Integration The archiving of installations includes the following reports: 1. Archiving report> All specified installations are analyzed with regard to a possiblearchiving. Those installations that can be archived, are archived. You can use BAdI ISU_EANL_ARCHIVE to define additional checks on whetherinstallations can be archived. 2. Deletion report> The installations written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database tables. 3. Evaluation report> The archived installations are displayed