Title Purpose
If you want to include a new solution path for the BRE, you can executea preliminary test using this test environment. You can check that yourfunction module meets the formal requirements, such as correct interface, treatment of exceptions and so on. You can test your function module before you put it productive use andavoid BRE terminations in the transactions BREE and FLEXBRE. SAP also recommends that you test your function module for theindividual installations that contain the error the function module hasto correct. It is, of course, not possible to test all possible situations in thisway, but you can at least avoid basic errors. To do this, executetransaction BREE for just for the individual installation. You cannot, of course, test all possible situations in this way, but youcan, at least, avoid basic errors. >To avoid terminating BRE runs, (BREE or FLEXBRE), check all functionmodules in a non-productive dummy installation. To do this, select the field If a short dump occurs, temporarily deactivate the function responsiblein the table view ISU_SOLPATH 'solution paths' (see transaction Do not forget to reset the indicator once the function module that caused the short dump has been repaired. Mass testing modules enables you to locate and correct all incorrectfunction modules that lead to termination. The mass test does You have to use this iterative method due to technical reasons. Run timeerrors cannot be simultaneously determined and the system cannot createa complete list of functions that lead to BRE terminations in one go. Appendix: Formal requirements for BRE function modules Features |