Title BRE: Updating Obsolete Backlog Entries in INSTSET Purpose The report REA_BILLP_P201_01_CLOSE (transaction FLEXFIN > ) updates obsolete backlog entries in the extract table Out of date entries can be caused by:
- BRE user errors: After manual repairs have been made, the agent forgets
to document his or her work using transaction MSINA> .
- Interaction of competing billing runs ( EA38> or
EAMABI> ): Installations are successfully billed usingtransaction EA38 or EAMABI before the periodic clean-up runs arecompleted in the BRE (using BREE> and so on). Obsolete entries are not a big problem since periodic clean-up runs alsoupdate these entries. They can, however, confuse agents when they areworking in their inboxes (WAR>) as well as reducestatistical evaluations in the extract table. It therefore makes sense to execute additional runs usingFLEXFIN> to ensure that the extract table is asup-to-date as possible. The runs are executed using parallel jobs to increase performance.Features