Title Display budget billing plan archive Purpose This report allows you to gain read access to an archive immediatelyafter running the archive report REPDAR_ARCH_HEAD and to display someof the data in a list. You do not have to run the deletion program beforehand. The following data is displayed:
- OIDOC:,,,, Budget billing plan number
- CONTRACT:,, Contract
- BPART:,,,, Business partner
- CACNT:,,,, Contract account
- STARTPERD:,, Start of the budget billing plan period
- ENDPERIOD:,, End of the budget billing plan period
- IDBBPPRO:,, Budget billing plan procedure
- No. DFKKMOP:,, Number of associated DFKKMOP entries (*)
- No. DFKKMOPW: Number of associated DFKKMOPW entries (*)
(*): always zero for statistical budget billing plan proceduresIntegration
First step in archiving budget billing plans: analyzing budget billingplans with a view to possibly archiving them.
Second step: archiving the budget billing plans selected in the firststep.
Third step: deleting the budget billing plans in the database on thebasis of the previously created archive.
Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual budget billing plans.You have to reload the entire archiving run.