Purpose This report allows you to process a very large number of profiles eithersimultaneously or in separate tasks running in the background. Thesynchronization process consists of the replication of profiles andrelated measurement task data. Selection When you first access the report, the system displays a selection screencomprised of a header section and three sections accessed by way oftabs: Header section> Here you identify the profile synchronization activity:
- Date ID>
A date identifier Note> This date is only an identifier and is not necessarily date on which theprofile synchronization is run - you specify the run execution date bychoosing the Schedule program run >button.
- Identification>
An additional identifier which you can use to differentiate runs withthe same date ID General Selections> tab> Here you define the criteria for the types of orders you wish tosynchronize:
- Profile>
Allows you to specify the profile, profile allocation start date,profile type and profile allocation role
- Device>
Allows you to select specific materials or serial numbers associatedwith the profile you wish to synchronize
- AMS>
Allows you to specify the advanced metering system associated with theprofile you wish to synchronize
- Type of Run>
When the Simulation Run> flag is selected, the synchronizationwill be simulated - you will see the results of the synchronization, butactual synchronization will not take place Date and Periods >tab> Technical Settings >tab> Here you specify whether you want automatic load distribution by thesystem (where you only define the number of jobs) or explicit loaddistribution (where you explicitly specify how many jobs are to run onwhich hosts). For more information see SAP Help for ContractAccounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)>, under Data Processing inMass Runs>. Logs >tab> The job log records status information and any errors that occur duringthe mass activity run. For more information, see SAP Help forContract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)>, under DataProcessing in Mass Runs>.Activities Processing the synchronization>> Once you have specified your selection criteria and technical settings,choose theSchedule Program Run >button and specify if you wish toprocess the synchronization right away or at a scheduled date and time. Saving your selection settings>> To save your selection settings (as a parameter record>) , choosethe Save >button, at the top of the application window. Loading saved settings>> To load a saved parameter record, enter the corresponding date ID andidentification in the Date ID >and Identification >fields inthe header.