Purpose This mass activity allows you to process or cancel a very large numberof events, either simultaneously or in separate tasks running in thebackground. Processing> Prior to processing the mass activity, it is required to save thecurrent selection parameters entered in the General Selection Tab. Theprocessing can be done immediately or scheduled for a later date, as asingle execution or periodic task.Selection The selection screen is composed of a header section and three sectionsaccessed by way of tabs: Header section> Allows you to identify the events processing activity: o,,Date ID: A date identifier. Note: >This date is only an identifier and is not necessarily thedate on which the events are to be processed - the run execution datecan be set by choosing the Schedule Program Run button. o,,Identification: An additional identifier which can be used todifferentiate runs with the same date ID. General Selections tab> Allows you to select the events that should be processed or cancelled:
- Run Type. Allows you to choose whether events should be processed or
- Event General Information. Allows the user to limit the events selection
based on the following: External Event ID Event Type Code Event Severity Code Event Status Code Event Date Event Time Provider ID Event Source Code
- Type of Run: When you select the Simulation Run flag, the processing is
simulated. Technical Settings tab> The settings that are available on this tab allow you to split theoverall process into several intervals and distribute them to one orseveral jobs. For more information, see SAP Help for Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable (FI-CA), under Data Processing in Mass Runs. Logs tab> The job log records status information and any errors that occur duringthe mass activity run. For more information, see SAP Help for ContractAccounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA), under Data Processing in MassRuns.Output Once completed, the mass activity report offers a job log as well as anapplication log that helps to monitor the process.