Title Purpose
Using the AOBJ transaction, you will find the definition of theISU_BILL archiving object and the related Customizing. Using the SARA transaction, you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing. Using the SARI transaction, you will find the technical view of anarchive. Using the standard Utilities Industry menu, you will find theaccounting view of an archived billing document. Integration This report allows you to read a billing document line item archive andto display parts of the data in a list before the deletion program hasbeen executed. It displays the data in a technical view. Features Starting the program Error messages specific to the report (for system administrators) After the system opens a new archive file, it reads system data fromthe file. In this case this was not possible. Get rid of the reason forthe error message and restart the archiving report. The system could not close the archive file. Get rid of the reason forthe error message and restart the archiving report. A commit counter was specified in Customizing that is less than orequal to zero. Enter a value greater than zero and restart the deletionreport. The system could not open a new archive file. Get rid of the reason forthe error message and restart the archiving report. A list of print document numbers is displayed with this error message.At least one of these documents could not be inserted in the ERDKtable. Find out which document this is and get rid of the reason forthe error. Restart the reload report. |