Title Delete archived billing document line items Purpose This report covers the third> step in archiving billing documentline items: deleting line item data on the basis of the archivepreviously generated. The first step, analyzing the billing documentline items, is carried out using the REAARCH_ANALYSE_LINE report. Inthe second step the billing document line items selected by theanalysis report are archived using the REAARCH_READ_LINES report. Using the AOBJ transaction, you will find the definition of theISU_BILLZ archiving object and the related Customizing. Using the SARA transaction, you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing. Using the SARI transaction, you will find the technical view of anarchive. Using the standard IS-U transaction SISU, you will find the accountingview of an archived billing document.Integration
First> step in archiving billing document line items: analyzingbilling documents with a view to possibly archiving them.
Second> step: archiving the billing document line items selectedin the first step.