Title Purpose
Using the AOBJ transaction, you will find the definition of the ISU_BILLarchiving object and the related Customizing. Using the SARA transaction, you will find archiving administration andthe related Customizing. Using the SARI transaction, you will find the technical view of anarchive. Using the standard menu for the Utilities Industry, you will find theaccounting view of an archived billing document. Integration Use this report to reload data that has been archived and alreadydeleted. Note that you cannot reload individual documents. You have toreload the entire archiving run. This procedure should not normally beused and should be limited to extreme problem cases (for example,incorrect retention period in Customizing). This report allows you to read a header data archive for billingdocuments and to output parts of the data in a list before the deletionprogram has been executed. It displays the data in a technical view. Features The retention period (in days) is set in Additional checks may be necessary, depending on the document class: Header data from a standard document can be archived if a billingdocument exists for a period that occurs after the period of thedocument to be archived. Header data from a reversal document can be archived without undergoingany additional checks if the reversal document is not an adjustmentdocument. If it is an adjustment document, it can only be archived if the headerdata containing the adjustment is also archived. A manual document can be archived without undergoing any additionalchecks. A backbilling or period-end billing document can be archived withoutundergoing any additional checks. If a document cannot be archived, the system displays an error message.You can then edit the reason: In a subsequent analysis process, you can define your own checks forwhether the billing documents can be archived or not. In this way youcan introduce additional restrictions. For more information, see thedocumentation on the RESET N1 If you don't start the report in test mode, then the archive status ofall the selected billing documents, that remain after the analysisprocess, is set to 4 (billing document header can be archived) in theERCHARC table. Starting the program Error messages specific to the report (for system administrators) A list of billing document numbers is displayed with this error message.The line could not be inserted into one of these billing documents. Find out for which billing documents the archiving indicator could notbe inserted and correct the reason for the error message. Restart theanalysis report. An unexpected error occured while reading data from a table. Get rid of the reason for the error message. Restart the archivingreport. |