Description During a development project there may be times when the global objectdirectory (GTADIR) is not available, usually because the GTADIR_SERVERis offline. You access the GTADIR every time you create or generate newobjects, perform relocation transports, or make manual changes in theTADIR (transaction SE03). In these cases, you are allowed to proceed,however the necessary GTADIR checks need to be repeated later. Thisrequires an asyncronous GTADIR adjustment that performs the checks. The adjustment is implemented as follows: 1.) The entry that needs to be checked is flagged in the TADIR. 2.) The GTADIR action is written to a buffer table for each object. 3.) The report program RDDTTADI is started asynchronously (usually in the background). Each entry in the buffer table is checked with the GTADIR. If the GTADIR is not available, the report cannot run and is terminated. Any buffer table entries that cause errors (double or meaninglessentries) trigger an automatic mail to the responsible developer. Thismail contains a description of the problem. When the adjustment is complete, the report displays a short log with all the completed actions. Parameters: The report has two parameters, which you must either enter online, ormaintain in a report variant: 1.) Suppress mail Enter an X to suppress the automatic mail. 2.) SUPERUSR Enter the user who you want to receive the automatic mails. You can only execute the report online in transaction SE38. Execute thereport daily in the background. |