Description This report is the general log display program of the WorkbenchOrganizer. It has two different modes which the report parameter PV_KORR controls:
- If the parameter PV_KORR is not set, then all transports and repairs
are displayed that are listed in the sapnames file of the userspecified in the report parameter PV_USER. If users call the report forthemselves, then they can perform the actions Tested>, Errorcorrected> and Delete>. The report parameter PV_TART (type C, length 6) transfers a stringwhose characters specify the request categories to be displayed(corresponds with E070-TRSTATUS).
- If the parameter PV_KORR is set, all transport steps for this one
request are displayed. The transport steps that the request owner hasalready deleted from the display are also displayed. If it is a task, you branch directly to the display of the C coderelease log.