- Deliveries>:
Here you can display and edit delivery transports.
The tab page you chose last is the one you see when you next use theTransport Organizer.Standard elements of the initial screen
@0Y@ Create a new request
@45@ Transport Organizer tools
Standard tool bar
@13@ Find requests/tasks
Global information
Cross-system information about the status of transports and the repairsmade by a user.
@08@ Transports successful/No new errors
Only completed repairs (import protection lifted)
@09@ Repairs with import-protected objects
@0A@ Transports with errors
User> whose requests you want to selectRequest types
Selected request types appear in the hierarchical request overview.
Request status
Selected request statuses appear in the hierarchical request overview.
@3M@ Display>
The selected requests appear in the hierarchical request overview,where you can edit them.New functions in the hierarchical request overview
@KA@ Include objects>
You can use this function to
copy the complete object list of another request.
copy the complete object lists of multiple requests.
select objects according to type, name, owner, package, and so on, andsave them in a specified request.
@0R@ Sort sequence>
You can use this function to change the number and sequence of thehierarchical levels.Precondition
You need at least the Change and Transport System display authorizationto call the Transport Organizer. To edit requests, you need theauthorization S_CTS_PROJEC, from the profile S_A.CUSTOMIZ.