Description This program maintains customer namespace reservations for tables andviews in the table TRESC>. When you change the namespace reservations of views, the changes aremade simultaneously to all affected tables. You can maintain customer namespaces by using the Customernamespace definition> function when you maintain tables and views inthe Dictionary, by maintaining table TRESC, or by executing the reportRDDKOR54>.Maintaining Namespace Reservations You can only reserve customer namespaces for tables and views to whichthe following applies:
- The delivery class of the table or view must be E or G.
- The table or view must be in a transportable package. Local, private
and test development classes are not allowed. You can flag a table or view as not needing a namespace reservation.After you set this flag, no reservations can be made. If you do not setthis flag, namespace reservations can be made for one or more keyfields. A key field must meet the following conditions:
- The key field cannot have one of the data types CLNT (client), LANG
(language), DATS (date) or TIMS (time).
- The key field must be in characters. This means that its internal data
type must be C, N, D, or T, and it must be in the character prefix ofthe key.
- The key field cannot begin after the 120th character (offset) in the
key. The following restrictions apply to the namespace definition:
- A namespace definition has a maximum length of 30 characters.
- A namespace definition is always in uppercase.
- If the key field that you want to reserve has a check table, then you
must reserve the same namespace for this table (if this table has thedelivery class E or G). A warning appears if the table has a differentdelivery class. Namespaces for views are reserved as follows: