SAP Program RCVDRFSH - EHS: Delete Report for Report Shipping

The program RCVDRFSH is started by the program RCVDDISP.

The program RCVDRFSH performs the following steps:

  • It starts the job asynchronously for the program RCVDEVEN for executing
  • the Save user exit within report shipping.
    • It deletes the rejected report shipping orders that are no longer
    • required.
      • It physically deletes the report shipping orders that have the deletion
      • indicator set.
        • It physically deletes the final reports that are no longer required.

        • It deletes the job logs for the program RCVDRFSH.

        • It deletes the job logs for the program RCVDEVEN.

1540461RCVDRFSH may be started more than once despite lock
1093000Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about EH&S reporting
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