Description You can use this report to transfer document info records from anexternal system to your SAP System. The program can create up to elevenlanguage-dependent descriptions, object links, and classification datafor each document. Transfer of long texts is also supported. The program reads the sequential file you enter and processes the datain this file. The sequential file can be on your SAP application server, thepresentation server, or an external application server. If the file ison an external application server, you need to enter the server name.You can display the possible entries and select an application server. If you set the "create session" report parameter to "X", the programcreates one or more batch input sessions, which you can processmanually later. If the "create session" report parameter has itsinitial value, all document info records are created online. In thiscase, only the document info records where errors occurred when theywere created are collected in batch input sessins. You can processthese sessions later. Precondition Before you can start this report, you must extract the document datayou want to transfer from the source system and write it to asequential file. To do this, you need to write a program in the sourcesystem which collects the data in the format required and generates thefile. You must define a logical name for the sequential file in thecustomizing functions. This logical name is the reference to thephysical name. You can maintain the logical name when you start thereport, by calling online help (F1) on the Logicalfile name> field. The sequential file containing the BOM data should have the followingformat:
- One session header per session (structure BGR00, record type 0)
The session header contains general administrative data on the batchinput session to be created. All other records in the sequential fileare allocated to the current session, until the next session headeroccurs.
- One header record for each document info record (structure DRAW_BI,
record type 1) The document header record contains data describing the document inforecord.
- For each document header record, you can have up to eleven records of
record type 2 which contain language-dependent descriptions (structureDRAT_BI).
- For each document description, you can have any number of records of
record type 3 which contain lines of long text (structure LTEXT_BI).
- For each document header record, you can have any number of records of
record type 4 which contain object links to the document info record(structure DRAD_BI). In the second field, DRAD_BI-DOKOB, enter theobject table of the linked object (for example, "MARA" for material,"EQUI" for equipment, and so on). Then fill out the key fields of theobject in structure DRAD_BI in external format.