Description This report is used to copy changes to BOMs from an external system tothe SAP System. Changes to document structures, equipment BOMs,material BOMs, standard BOMs, and functional location BOMs aresupported. The program reads the sequential file you enter and processes the datacontained in it.
- The sequential file can be on your own application server, the
presentation server, or an external application server. If the file ison an external application server, enter the server name. You candisplay possible entries to help you select one of the availableapplication servers.
- If you want the system to write the data to one or more batch input
sessions, which you can process manually later, select the reportparameter "Create session". If you leave the "Create session" parameter with its initial value, allBOMs are changed online. In this case, only the BOMs that were changedincorrectly are collected in batch input sessions. You can processthese sessions later.Note The input data must contain all> items that are to be in thetarget system on the key date. The report compares the items in the input file with the items in thetaget system BOM on the key date, which you include in the BOM headerof the input file. All items that are not included in the input fileare deleted. IF you want to transfer several> historical change statuses forone> BOM you must process each change status individually: For each historical change status create an individualBatch-Input-Folder and load it into the SAP System. Only after a folderhas been posted in the SAP System can you create the next folder forthe next change status.Precondition Before you can start this report, you must extract the BOM data to becopied from the source system and write the data to a sequential file.To do this, you must implement a program in the source system thatcollates the data in the required format and creates the file. You must define a logical name for the sequential file in thecustomizing functions. This logical name is the reference to thephysical name. You can maintain the logical name when you start thereport, by calling online help (F1) on the Logicalfile name> field. The sequential file containing the BOM data should have the followingformat:
- Record type 0>: one session record (structure BGR00) per session
The session header contains general administrative data on the batchinput session. All records are assigned to the current session headeruntil the next session header in the sequential file.
- Record type 1>: one session record (structure BICSK) for each BOM
to be changed The BOM header record contains the transaction code (such as CS02Change Material BOM) and the header data. In field BICSK-TCODE in structure BICSK, you define the BOM categoryand therefore the SAP transaction to be called. You can enter thefollowing values in this field: CV12 for document structures IB02 for equipment BOMs CS02 for material BOMs CS52 for standard BOMs IB12 for functional location BOMs