SAP Program RCOPCA98 - Allocation Postprocessing Program for Bal. Sheet Accts in Profit Cntrs

If you have the 'Balance Sheet Accounts in Profit Centers' procedureactive in the controlling area, additional lines will be createdautomatically by the system with every posting, so that the balance perprofit center is set to zero.
For technical reason, it was not possible to set up this automatedcreation of lines for actual allocations in Profit Center Accounting(transactions 3KE5 and 4KE5). For this reason, this report RCOPCA98 hasto be run following allocation runs. This report selects all documentscreated by allocations where these documents have not yet beenpost-processed. It uses the algorithm to do this. If additional lineshave to be created, these are posted to a new document in PCA.