SAP Program RCN_XPRA_MC - XPRA für Matchcodeumstellung

Convert Programmed Matchcode VMPA to Transparent Table

Starting with release 6.10 matchcodes are no longer supported withpooled tables as a selection method.
The XPRA reads the data from the pooled table M_VMPAA and writes it tothe transparent table VMPA.
Afterwards the system deletes the matchcode IDs VMPA-A and VMPA-B.

All selects from the pooled table M_VMPAA and M_VMPAB were replaced inrelease 4.70 by selects from the table VMPA. Updating the tablesM_VMPAA and M_VMPAB was replaced by updating the table VMPA.

808790ERP 2004: Optimization of XPRAS_UPG upgrade phase