SAP Program RCNT2D1 - XPRA Report: Convert tables TCND, TCNT, and TCNDT, Rel 2.X -> 3.0

The XPRA report, RCNT2D1, converts the tables TCND, TCNT, and TCNDTwhich are necessary for the project info system from Release 2.x to3.0.
New fields in Table TCNT are filled with default values.
Fields which are in both table TCND and TCNT are copied from the tableTCNT and appended to table TCND. In this process, the value "STRUCR" isused for the field TCND-TABNAME.
The texts for table TCND - they can be found in table TCNDT - arecopied from the table TCNTT (Texts for table TCNT) and then appended tothe table TCNDT. In this process, the value "STRUCR" is used for thefield TCND-TABNAME.