SAP Program RCF_CORRECT_DUP - SAP E-Recruiting: Remove Inconsistent Data in KPRO

You can use this report to group together in one directory the documentsof an object that were stored in multiple directories and to then deletethe duplicate directory.
SAP E-Recruiting saves structured data (for example, XML searchprofiles) and unstructured data (for example, attachments) as documentsin Knowledge Provider (KPro). The documents of an object inSAP E-Recruiting, such as the XML search profile and acandidate's attachments, are stored in a so-called applicationdirectory. Each application directory is assigned to one objectdirectory. In the past, a separate object directory was created foreach object, where the object directory had the same ID as the actualobject. Due to technical reasons, a new solution was introduced in whichone object directory and one associated application directory are notcreated for each object, but rather one object directory and oneapplication directory exist for each object type (for example, NA).These object type-specific object directories and applicationdirectories do not group the documents of a single object; instead, theygroup the documents of all objects of the relevant object type. However,object-specific object directories and application directories that werecreated before the new solution was introduced are still used for thedocuments of the relevant objects.
A job runs periodically to update the structured data and theunstructured data of the objects in SAP E-Recruiting. In thepast, this could lead to duplicates being created for the applicationdirectory and/or the object directory of an object due to technicalreasons. If you now try to access the documents of this object, errorsoccur since the access path is not unique.

You should only run this report in exceptional cases. If you want to runthe report, you must first switch off the services for periodicjobs and make sure that no users (candidates, recruiters) or as fewusers as possible are using the system.

You can run this report for the following SAP E-Recruiting objecttypes:
Candidate (NA)
Requisition (NB)
Posting (NC)
Candidacy (Assignment) (NE)
Select the relevant object type. You can only select one object type.
In Extended Selection, either select Checking of Duplicatesfor Object IDs and enter the area of the object IDs to be checked orselect Checking of General Directory of Object Type to checkwhether a duplicate object type-specific application directory and/orobject directory exists for the selected object type.
Choose a processing mode. Specify whether you want to run thereport in the background or run it immediately.
If you select the Immediately processing mode, the reportdisplays the objects with inconsistencies in a list. You can then selectthe entries from the list that the report is to correct.
If you select the Processing in Background processing mode, thereport displays the output screen once it has planned the backgroundjob.

The output of the report depends on the processing mode you select.
If you run the report immediately, the report displays the inconsistentobjects in a list. In the list, you can select the objects for which thereport is to remove the inconsistencies. Once the objects have beenrepaired successfully, they are no longer contained in the list.
If you run the report in the background, the report removes theinconsistencies for all objects found and then displays a list with theobjects that could not be repaired.

If you run the report in the Immediately processing mode, selectone or more entries in the results list and choose RemoveInconsistencies.