SAP Program RCFU600XROLE2SUB - Conversion of ROLE to ROLE2SUB

Fill table T77RCF_ROLE2SUB from table T77RCF_ROLE

With Release 6.00, SAP E-Recruiting provides new functions forSuccession Planning. For this reason, a new data element Subarea ofE-Recruiting (RCF_SUBAREA) has been implemented and is used in a seriesof Customizing tables and infotypes. The system can then differentiate,for example, which roles in E-Recruiting are relevant for either theRecruitment subarea or the Succession Planning subarea.
As was previously the case, the roles in E-Recruiting must be configuredin the relevant Customizing table T77RCF_ROLE. In Release 6.00, entriesare also required in a new Customizing table T77RCF_ROL2SUB to be ableto determine the assignment of roles to the subarea of E-Recruiting.From the associated Business Logic, the table T77RCF_ROLE2SUB is thenread instead of the table T77RCF_ROLE.
Therefore, the conversion report RCFU600XROLE2SUB fills the newCustomizing table T77RCF_ROLE2SUB for the Recruitment subarea (SUBAREA =' ') with data from the table T77RCF_ROLE. The Succession Planningsubarea (SUBAREA = 'SCP') is not relevant here as the correspondingCustomizing or functions did not exist in previous releases of SAPE-Recruiting.

This report runs within the framework of the 6.00 upgrade of SAPE-Recruiting as XPRA. It can be launched at any time.