SAP Program RCCSEC_ENC_RE0 - Migration to SSF Application PAYCRV

You can use this report to convert encrypted payment card data fromvarious application areas to the SSF application PAYCRV.
In addition, you can use this report to ensure that no old data is stillstored in the specified tables.

You set the Key Replacement Active indicator in Customizing forCross-Application Components under Payment Cards -> BasicSettings -> Make Security Settings for Payment Cards.
You created a key version for SSF application PAYCRV (reportRSSFV_ADMIN).
For database table PCA_SECURITY_RAW, the secondary index with thefields KEYVERSION and PAREA must be active.

If you activate key replacement in Customizing, then the system encryptsnew credit card data with the currently valid key version. You can stillaccess already existing credit card data using the old, non-versionedkey. To be able to also periodically replace the keys for this old data,you have to migrate the data using this report. Depending on theapplication, the old data is in these tables: CCSEC_ENC,PCA_SECURITY_RAW and CCARDEC. The last of these tables,CCARDEC, is only relevant if you use software componentSAP_APPL.

Enter the maximum runtime for the report.

The report displays an application log.
If you run the report in the background, the system stores theapplication log on the database.

Your system contains a large number of data records in two of thespecified tables. For both tables, you schedule jobs that run for up totwo hours each night over several consecutive days. After a few days,there are no more data records in the tables.