SAP Program RCCSECV_DATA_DEL - Deletion of Encrypted Payment Card Data

This program can be used to delete encrypted credit card data that is nolonger used. To be considered "no longer used", credit card data mustnot have been used operatively for at least 500 days.

You generated data records in the database table CCSEC_ENCV (
Encrypted Payment Card Data). You also activated key replacementfor payment cards in Customizing (under Cross-Application Components-> Payment Cards -> Basic Settings -> Make Security Settings for PaymentCards). The Key Replacement Active indicator is only visiblein Customizing if you activated the business function PCA_KEYV (
Periodic Key Replacement for Payment Card Encryption).

As a selection criterion, enter a last date of use that is at least 500days in the past.
You can also run the program in test mode.

In the standard system, for the date of last use, the system proposes adate that lies 750 days in the past, as calculated from the currentdate.

In test mode, the program issues a log containing information on howmany data records are to be deleted, based on the selection criteria.
In an update run, the program issues a log stating how many data recordswere deleted.

Using this program, you can periodically delete encrypted credit carddata that is no longer used.
The system logs the date of last use in the data record of the creditcard. This date of last use serves as a selection criterion in thisdeletion program.
We recommend that you choose a date of last use that is as far in thepast as possible.
Note: Once the credit card data is deleted, it can only be accessedusing the masked card number.