SAP Program RCCLUKA2 - Convert KSSK and AUSP to internal number (table INOB)

This report sets the Multiple objs allowed indicator for a classtype. The system does a key conversion for tables KSSK and AUSP andcreates a new table INOB. The conversion only affects the class type youenter. Internal keys for the objects are saved to table INOB.

The system creates two files with the data of KSSK and AUSP. These filescontain all data records of the class type affected from the tablesbefore the key conversion. Therefore, we recommend that you do notdelete these files.
The path descriptions apply to the application server; the files arecreated and stored here. No files are created locally. ("C:\temp\DSKSSK"would be saved on the application server with the entire path as thefile name). If the directory is missing, the system writes the data tothe directory defined in the DIR_HOME profile parameter.
To save the data for the final time, you can transfer the two files to adirectory or backup mechanism of your choice.

Enter the class type for which you want to set the Multiple objsallowed indicator.
To run the program, you need 2 temporary files. Enter the file names ina form that can be accessed from the application server. This depends onthe operating system (for example, upper case or lower case).
You can define the packet size to determine how many assignment recordsare processed in one run. If you have a large number of classificationrecords, we recommend that you reduce the default value to 500.

In Customizing for Classification, under Objects in stepMaintain Classifiable Object Types, you enter an object table fora class type.
You enter other object types for the class type under Objects.

In class type 001, you want to classify equipments and functionallocations, as well as materials.

  • Start the report. Enter object type MARA and class type 001.

  • The report sets the Multiple objs allowed indicator for class
  • type 001 and enters object type MARA under Objects.
    • You can then enter equipments and functional locations under Objects

    • .

943559FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the classifctn. system
942691Information about using RCCLUKA2
1172607SVT: Implementing customer-specific requirements
1329493SVT: Determining SVT-relevant materials
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