SAP Program RCATS_ARCH_ARCHIVING - Archiving Time Sheet Data

Archiving Time Sheet Data

The report RCATS_ARCH_ARCHIVING (Archiving Time Sheet Data)reads the data you want to archive from the database table for the TimeSheet (CATSDB) and writes it to an archive file. In Customizing forArchiving, you determine the name(s) given to the archive file(s)generated during each archiving run.

You must have maintained the Customizing in Archive Management.


You determine which time sheets should be archived by specifying thepersonnel numbers and period you want to select.
To check in advance whether errors could occur when archiving the data,select the Test run option.
When you select Archiving, the archiving run is started. Onlytime sheet data with the status Approved (30) or Canceled(60) is selected for archiving. The data is read from the CATSDB tableand written to the archive file.
To enable you track the original record of a changed record, thechanged record is assigned a reference counter. If your selectioncriteria mean that only one of the two records would be archived, thesystem archives neither to ensure the consistency of the data.
Once the archiving run is complete, the data is indexed and deletedfrom CATSDB, but only if you have first made the relevant settings inCustomizing for Archive Management.
