SAP Program RCATSWAO46C_CMP00 - Time Sheet Time Leveling with Mini-ALV Output

Time Leveling for the Time Sheet for MiniApp

This report is a copy of report RCATSCMP which has been modified foruse in the Time Leveling for the Time Sheet MiniApp in Releases4.6C and 4.6D.
When recording their working times, employees sometimes enter too fewor too many hours, or forget to record any working times at all. Youcan use the report RCATSCMP Time Sheet: Time Leveling to findany inconsistencies.
If there are employees whose time sheets are inconsistent, you cannotify them automatically by mail. You can schedule the report as abackground job which sends mails automatically. We particularlyrecommend this if you have several time sheets to check.


  • If you want to select only employees who are required to record their
  • times in the time sheet, choose the relevant option.
    • You can check time sheets according to

    • Days for which no times have been recorded
      A number of hours, which you specify based on the selection period
      An employee's target hours
      Depending on the selection type you choose, the dates for which toofew, too many, or no times have been recorded are displayed.
      • To select time sheets in which too few, too many, or no times have been
      • recorded for individual workdays, choose the selection based on eachday.
        When you select based on individual days, the report reads the factorycalendar
        If you are selecting time sheets in which no times have been recorded,or
        If you are selecting time sheets in which less than the number of hoursyou specify has been recorded
        Workdays are therefore only taken into account if you do not use targethours.
        You make the assignment to a factory calendar in the Time SheetDefaults infotype (0315).
        When you specify the period in the Time settings section, youdetermine whether the report displays days, weeks, or months.
        • To select time sheets in which too few, too many, or no times have been
        • recorded for the period specified in the Time settings section,choose the selection based on a period.
          You can then check time sheets based on weeks or months. In the
          Time settings section, you can choose to have the system propose thesettings from the data entry profile that was used to enter the workingtimes.
          • If you work with target hours, you determine these in the Target
          • hours section. Once again, you can choose to have the system proposethe settings from the data entry profile that was used to enter theworking times.

            Standard Variants
            The standard variant is SAP&TIMELEV


            • If you choose the Send mail option, the system notifies
            • automatically by mail the employees whose time sheets are selected. Themail appears in the employee's SAP inbox. For employees toreceive the mail, they must be defined as users in theCommunication infotype (0105), subtype 0001.
              • Depending on your authorization profile, you can select a record and
              • switch from the report output to either the display or maintenancescreen for the time sheet. The system calls the time sheet with thedata entry profile you entered in the Time settings orTarget hours section for proposing defaults.