SAP Program RCATSTHR - Data Transfer CATS -> HR

You can use the data transfer report RCATSTHR (CATS -> HR) to transferdata from the time sheet to the relevant components in Human Resources(HR). The report creates the batch input session, RCATSHR, which isused to transfer the data to the Absences (2001) andAttendances (2002) infotypes.

All data in the HR interface table CATSHR is transferred. The tableonly contains the data that has already been released or approved, ifyou integrate an approval procedure.

You should run the report at regular intervals - once daily overnight,for example.
Note: The sooner the data is transferred to HR, the less the danger ofinconsistencies and collisions with new HR records.

Batch input sessions
The batch input session determines the type of transfer. The followingsessions are available:
A batch input session is generated and must be processed separately.The disadvantage of this session is that the report cannot tell if thetransfer has been successful. The status Successfully postedrefers only to creating the batch input session, not to posting it.
A :
The session is processed immediately, and all screens are displayed.You are recommended to use this session if there have been errorsduring transfer.
E :
The session is processed immediately. All screens for which there areerror messages are displayed.
N :
The session if processed immediately. If there are errors, the messagesare output in an error list. A stoplight in the list shows whether ornot the posting was successful. You should normally use this session asit offers the greatest degree of control over the success of thetransfer.

Selecting the transfer data
There are three different options for selecting the transfer data. Youcan choose one by clicking the relevant pushbutton.
First transfer
The default value is the first transfer. You can specify the personnelnumbers and the key date here. Only records with an absence/attendancedate which is before the key date are transferred. Only records thathave not yet been transferred and that fulfil the above conditions areselected.
Repeat transfer
On the selection screen for a repeat transfer, you can activate theLast retrieval successful field to select records that arealready flagged as successfully transferred. You should only use thisoption if you have used a batch input session that has been lost.
By activating the Last retrieval not succesful field, you cantransfer records again if they were not transferred successfully thefirst time. You should process these records in batch input session'A'.
This selection screen allows you to transfer data, and delete therecords which have transferred successfully from the interface table.In order to optimize system performance, you should reorganize theinterface table regularly.
The data selection for the reorganization of the HR interface tableallows you to select data records by personnel number or by absence/attendance date. Before deleting any data, the system checks whetherthe record has already been posted to the Absences (2001) orAttendances (2002) infotype.
Additional options:
Output log
The system outputs a list of the selected data records. A stoplightsymbol shows whether or not the records have been successfully posted.
Send mail
When the data is posted successfully to HR, a mail appears in the inboxof the user who started the report. This is important if the report isstarted in batch.
Test run
The data is read from the interface table during the test run, but notposted. You should use this session
To check if errors occur when the data is read
To get an overview of the records that have to be posted

Procedure if errors occur
If an error occurs when a record is posted, you should proceed asfollows:
Process the relevant record in batch input session 'A' by selecting theRepeat transfer option. You can then see the error messagedirectly on the screen.
Possible error sources:
Customizing errors such as a missing table entry
A collision with a record entered in HR may also be the cause of anerror. This situation can only arise if the HR record has been enteredafter the time sheet record, since a collision check has already beencarried out when the time sheet record was entered.
In this case you should check which of the two records is correct, andmodify or delete the incorrect record.
Check whether the customizing settings for the collision checks areappropriate for data entry using the time sheet. Please see the stepDefine system reaction to overlapping time infotypes
for further information.
Another cause of errors may be a missing quota. When data is enteredusing the time sheet, the system checks whether the quota issufficient. It can happen that a new record has meantime been createdin HR, meaning that the original calculation of the quota is no longercorrect. If this is the case, you should check which record is moreimportant.