SAP Program RC1XCOBJ - EHS: Adjustments to Customizing Through Introduction of Spec. Category

Adjusting Customizing to Introduce the Specification Category

This program is used to make some settings in Customizing forProduct Safety and Industrial Hygiene and Safety for thespecification category automatically. The program is intended tofurther guarantee the use of the specification categorysubstance after the upgrade without you having to make anycomplex settings in Customizing.
You should still check your Customizing settings to make sure they arecorrect when the program has been run.
When you execute the program, you can activate the followingparameters:

  • Specification types to specification categories parameter

  • Previously in Customizing, you could use indicators to set whether aspecification type should be valid for a substance or for an agent.These old indicators were used to allow the SAP System to assign theexisting specification types to the specification categorysubstance or agent. The indicators themselves are nolonger used from SAP EH&S Release 2.7.
    • Substance lists to spec. category substance parameter

    • All existing substance lists are assigned to the specification categorysubstance. If a substance list is also to be used for otherspecification categories, you must specify this manually inCustomizing.
      • Groups to specification categories parameter

      • All group keys are assigned to all specification categories.
        • Identifiers parameter

        • Prerequisite for this conversion is correct Customizing of thesubstance types (see Specification types to specificationcategories parameter). This function checks which identifiers areused in which specifications for the existing data and to whichspecification types these specifications are assigned. From theidentifier-to-specification type assignment found, the systemdetermines and assigns the identifier-to-specification categoryassignment.
          Note that for this parameter, the program may require a very longruntime as the whole dataset is checked.
          • Property tree parameter

          • A default property tree can be entered for a specification type. Ifthere is a default entered, the property tree is assigned to thisspecification type in the assignment table.
            All property trees that are indicated for use in specificationmanagement are assigned to all specification types that are assigned tothe specification categories substance and agent.
            • Component types parameter

            • Component types are treated in the same way as identifiers. Allcomponents in the SAP System are analysed and the assignedspecification category is determined and assigned on the basis of theirspecification type.
              Note that for this parameter, the program may require a very longruntime as the whole dataset is checked.
              • Sources to specification category parameter

              • All sources are assigned to the specification categorysubstance.
                • User-defined text types to specification category parameter

                • All user-defined text types are assigned to the specification categorysubstance.
                  • Authorization group parameter

                  • All authorization groups are assigned to the specification categorysubstance.

565054Upgrading EH&S 2.2B to higher versions of EH&S