SAP Program RC1XCNAM - EHS: XPRA for conversion of TCG11, TCG66, TCGA6

This program converts tables TCG11, TCG66, and TCGA6 when you upgradefrom 3.0E to 3.0F.
Should this conversion program not run correctly, there is a danger ofdata inconsistencies. In this case, you should not continue to use theEH&S module. Lock all transactions (CG transactions) until the problemhas been solved.

Conversion of table TCG11:
Fields CLS and CLSPOS are converted into new fields CLVANAM andCLVPNAM. The internal class number contained in the old fields ischanged into the class name (external class number) using the classdefinition table (KLAH), and inserted into the new fields.
Incorrect entries, that is entries containing class numbers that do notexist are not converted. These entries are listed in a log. You shouldcheck these entries after the job has run completely. Either correct ordelete them before repeating the job.
If the entries are converted correctly, the field content of all oldfields is "0".
You can run the program as often as required, as it only processesentries that are not equal to INITIAL ("0").

Conversion of table TCG66:
In table TCG66, field CLSATTR that contains an internal characteristicnumber is converted into the new field ATNAM which is intended for thecharacteristic name. The characteristics definition table (CABN) isused for the conversion.
Incorrect entries, that is entries containing characteristic numbersfor which no characteristic exists are not converted. These entriesare listed in a log. You should check these entries after the job hasrun completely. Either correct or delete them before repeating the job.
If the entries are converted correctly, the field content of thecharacteristic number fields is "0".
You can run the program as often as required, as it only processesentries that are not equal to INITIAL ("0").

Conversion of table TCGA6:
In this table, fields LSYFKOB and LSYFKEL are converted into the newfields TABNAME, FIELDNAME respectively KLART, CLASS, and ATNAM.
Incorrect symbols are not converted.
If the job runs correctly, all original fields are deleted.
If you run the job several times, converted symbols are no longerprocessed. They are flagged are not convertable.
You should check all symbols that the program was unable to convertafter the job has run completely. These symbols were either convertedpreviously or they contain errors. Ignore symbols that were convertedpreviously. Correct all symbols that contain errors. These symbolscannot be used for report generation until they have been converted.
You can run the job as often as required.

The class definition table (KLAH) and the characteristics definitiontabble (CABN) must have been converted and activated, as errors mayotherwise occur during the conversion of tables TCG11 and TCG66.