SAP Program RC1PRECL - EHS: Components with incorrect operators <, <=, ...

This report checks the values of fields ESTVP-PRECL and ESTVP-PRECU(operator for lower or upper limit for the components). Only the values>, >=, or <, <= may be entered in these fields (as of EH&S Rel. 2.2).The report generates an error log in which all components are listedfor which these fields contain invalid values. The log is constructedas follows:
Spec1 Value ass. type1 Val. ass.1 Component1 PRECL value PRECU value
Component2 PRECL value PRECU value
Val. ass.2
Value ass. type2
The specifications and components are listed with theirkeys. Value assignment types are listed with their language-dependentdescriptions. Each incorrect PRECl or PRECU value is displayed in red.