Description This program loads the Excel file with the formatting macro foroutputting properties in the specification information system from thelocal workstation into the Document Management System (DMS) and updatesthe entry in the EH&S environment parameter SIS_VALUAT_XLSFILE_DVSKEY. You can run the program as often as you like. In the environmentparameters you can always find the document key of the DMS documentthat was entered last. A new DMS document is entered each time.Documents that are no longer needed must be deleted manually. Precondition The Excel file can be accessed from the local workstation and the pathis known (the Excel file is contained in the WWI scope of delivery). The environment parameter SIS_VALUAT_XLSFILE_DVSKEY exists. In the DMS, the document type ISX is entered in the following way: Document type:,,ISX - Excelmacro Infosyst. Number assignment:,,02 Number range number:,,01 Number exit:,,MCDOKZNR VersNumIncrement:,,1 File size:,,0 Field selection:,,identical to SBE, SBR Note: If the document type ISX is already assigned elsewhere, you mustuse a different key of your choice for the document type. This shouldthen be assigned to the EH&S document type ISX (see below). A document status with the following settings must be defined for thedocument type ISX: Type,,ISX DocStat,,W1 ProFld.,,- Statustype,,I ObjectChkInd,, ReleaseInd,, Abbrv,,AA Description,,Work start The EH&S document type ISX is assigned to the DMS document type ISX. Output The program displays error and success messages on the screen. |