SAP Program RC12QEXS - EHS: Exports symbols into frontend file "C:\TEMP\TCGA6.SYM"

This program compares symbols in various system or clients.

You first need to export the symbols from the original system. Thesystem creates file "C:\TEMP\TCGA6.SYM" on the frontend.

The system outputs a list of all symbols that differ in the twosystems.

You want to transfer a report template from system A to system B. Forthis purpose, you first need to compare the symbols stored in bothsystems.
First, export the symbols from system A. Call program RC12QEXS in theoriginal system. The symbols are transfered to a temporary file on thefrontend.
Then run program RC12QCMP in the target system. This program reads theorginal symbols from the temporary file and compares them to thesymbols stored on the target system.
The program outputs a lists of all symbols that differ in the originaland target systems. The list also includes all symbols that only existin the original system.