Description You can use this program to carry unused budget from a closed fiscalyear forward to the next year. You can carry budget forward more than once at a time. Each run carriesforward the differences between this run and the last. Projects are selected using the logical database in the Project System.You can use dynamic selections to limit the selection criteria asappropriate. For technical reasons, the database profile is prescribedand cannot be changed. The unused budget for a WBS element is calculated as follows: ,, Annual budget ,,->Distributed value ,,->Actual costs The actual costs comprise the cost of the budget-bearing WBS element,and the actual costs of all the assigned orders, networks and networkactivities, plus the actual costs for WBS elements subordinate to itwithout budget. However, actual costs determined in this way are onlyincluded if the amount is greater than zero. Revenues and commitments are not included in the calculation. Unlikeavailability control, the planned costs for apportioned orders andnetworks are not included in the carryforward calculation either.Credits from settlements are only included if the relevant WBS element(or order, network, or network activity) was settled to another order,WBS element, network, or network activity (elimination of internalbusiness). The system includes actual costs for exempt cost elements (which youdefined in customizing for availability control), if you choseactivation type 1 (automatic activation for budget allocation), or 2(background activation) in the budget profile. If the calculated value is negative, the program checks whether therehas already been a carryforward run. If so, it carries the existingcarryforward amount back to the previous year (same amount as thecalculated value). This means that only the budget already carriedforward is retrieved. You cannot transfer newly allocated budget inthis way, so "true" negative budget carryforwards are not possible.Output If the program finds errors, it displays an error log. No values arecarried forward for WBS elements with errors. You can also opt to have the program display a detail list, showing thefollowing for each WBS element with a budget (in the sender or receiveryear):
- Carryforward
- Budget
- Distributed budget
- Calculated actual value
- Amounts already carried forward to the receiver year
Example You entered the following values for a WBS element: Annual budget 1999:,, 1000 USD Of which distributed to subordinate hierarchy elements:,, 500 USD Actual values:,, 200 USD Actual value from the assigned order:,, 400 USD Amount already carried forward from 1999 to 2000:,, 250 USD You post a budget of 100 USD in 1999, and carry forward -100 USD. Thismeans that 250 USD are reduced to 150 USD in the year 2000.