Here you see and confirm the assignment of logon users to signatureusers for the release of payment batches.

By default, the signature users for batch approval are the logon users.One can however maintain a relationship: Logon users - Signature users,to get alternative user ID's for signature. This works with a hard-coded4-eye principle, i.e. one person maintains a relation and another personconfirms it.

In the basic settings for approval, the flag 'Signature Required' isactive. In TA BNK_SIGN_MAINTAIN, there are entries for the relationLogon users - Signature users.

On the selection screen, you can make several restrictions. Withoutthem, you see all the Logon-Signature user pairs.

You get a list with three types of entries, marked by traffic lights:
Green: The relation Logon-Signature user was already confirmed, nofurther action required
Yellow: The relation Logon-Signature user is new or was recently changedby another person, and you can confirm this entry now.
Red: New or changed relation that you are not entitled to confirm, asyou created it yourself (4-eye principle).

Mark the entries that you'd like to confirm (Green and Red ones areautomatically ignored) and press the function button: Confirm userassignment (F9).