SAP Program RBDXBDLT - XPRA, transfers entries from TBDLI to TBDLT


This XPRA transfers the contents of the TBDLI table to the TBDLT table.
These tables are used in the ALE (Application Link Enabling) componentfor distributing master data objects via lists.
This report uses the error messages B1 711 - B1 714.

Data affected:

When errors occur
If problems in the database cause a crash, you should fix the problemsand run the XPRA again. The following are possible causes of a crash:

  • There is not enough free space in the database for the TBDLT table.

  • There are problems in the database with one of the following tables:
    If errors occur that do not cause system crashes, then you should findentries in the log that describe what has to be done.

    This report is an XPRA. It cannot be started online.
    The report is executed only for a Put from 3.0 FCS, 3.0 A, 3.0 B or 3.0C to 3.0 D.
    The XPRA must run after the upgrade and before productive operationstarts.
    The XPRA can be restarted.

    The output of the report goes purely across the log interface.

    In 3.0D there has been a change in the ALE (Application Link Enabling)component in the Customizing of the distribution of master data vialistings. The TBDLI table previously used has been replaced by theTBDLT table.
    This report copies the entries from the TBDLI table to the TBDLT table.The entries in the TBDLI table are then deleted.
    The KLART key field was too inexact and has been replaced by the MESTYPkey field in the TBDLT table. The data is copied over as follows:
    The entry in the TCLA table corresponding to the client (MANDT) and theclass type (KLART) is read for every entry in the TBDLI table. Theclassification object is read from this entry. All the records for thisclassification object are read from the TBDME table.
    The message type (MESTYP) is copied for each of these records and isinserted into the TBDLT table together with the other fields from theTBDLI table.