SAP Program RBCA_US_HOLDS_RELEASE - Holds Release

Principle of dual control for Permanent Holds

The report lists all eligible accounts for which the release process wastriggered. You will not see any entries for which you triggered dualcontrol. In other words, you will only see entries for which you areauthorized to release.
You can go into the display of the account interactively bydouble-clicking an entry.

Maintain customizing. Activate or deactivate principle of dual controlin the following link:Maintain Amount Limit/Principleof Dual Control for Hold

Bank area: the list can be created per bank area.
Account number: External account number
Product: External product ID

Individual entries can be evaluated by displaying the related account(double-click on the entry), or reviewing the change documents via theChanges button.
Select the entries which you wish to Release. Multiple entries can beselected by hold the Control key and clicking the line control.
Entries can also be Rejected. This means that the record in releasewill be deleted (the proposed change) and the current Hold related tothe account (if there is one) will remain active.
No actual database changes will be made until the Save button ispressed.