SAP Program RAIMDELE - Completely Delete Capital Investment Programs

Using this function, you can delete one or more investment programs.The investment measures that are attached to the positions of theinvestment program are not deleted, the are merely reassigned.
It is essential to carry out a test run before actually executing thisfunction. The test run will help you to identify possible problemscaused by the deletion before they actually occur.
You receive a log which identifies possible problems that may arisewhen you delete. If this log shows errors, the system does not carryout the deletion. However, when you execute the actual update run, thewarnings you receive do not prevent deletion from taking place.
Each error and each warning is uniquely identified by a number. Theseare explained below:

  • Error 001 - Program is blocked at this time.

  • Another user is currently working on the program that you wish todelete.
    • Error 002 - Error occurred in block managment.

    • Due to a system error, it was not possible for the system to carry outthe blocking required in order to delete the investment program.
      • Error 003 - Missing authorization.

      • You do not have the full authorization to delete investment programs orprogram positions.
        • Error 004 - Deletion no longer possible after year-end closing

        • In certain cases, it is not possible to delete an investment program.This occurs when measures have already been carried forward, duringyear-end closing, from the same program from the previous approvalyear.
          • Warning 500 - The position still has measures that are not closed.

          • The program position still has investment measures attached to it thatdo not have the status "closed."
            You need to be particularly careful when the investment measures arenot yet closed, and the field for "budget program type" is set in thebudget profile for the investment measure. When this is the case, thenthe investment measure can only receive (additional) budget if it isattached to an investment program. But since the assignment to theprogram is nullified when the investment program is deleted, the budgetcan no longer be updated on the investment measure!
            (If you nevertheless need to update the budget on such an investmentmeasure, then delete the field "budget program type" in the budgetprofile.)
            • Error 510 - The position still has measures that are not closed, and
            • that have a budget that originates (completely or in part) from theposition that is to be deleted.
              In this case, you first have to return the budget belonging to theposition that is being deleted.
              • Warning 600 - There is still relevant depreciation simulation data for
              • the program position.
                There is still depreciation simulation data for the position thatspecifies a start-up date in the current fiscal year or a later year.
                This simulation data might be needed at a later date for depreciationsimulation or for primary cost planning for depreciation/interest.

96341AP 068 though measure not assigned to inv prog & budget <> 0
179345 Del/arch measur/appro requests for investmnt program
52376Incor.distributed values inv.progm aft.order reorg.
106323AP061/AP062 for archiving orders/WBS elements
43472Archiving capital investment program not possible