SAP Program RADMROHITS - Time horizon to calculate periods back (ROC)

Time horizon to calculate periods backwards (ROC)

Because material requirements for rotables are often sporadic, it isdifficult to determine how many days you have to look into the pastwithout knowing in which periods consumptions have occurred. Thisreport assists you in determining these periods through the input of ahit rate.

Movements must have taken place for the material concerned. This meansthat you cannot determine a horizon for a new material.


Enter either an FFF class or a material.
Obligatory fields are Plant, CMC Profile,
The result is a number of days which you then assign to the PeriodsBackwards field in either the CMC Profile
, the CMC Inventory Group, or the ROCParameters for FFF Class.
For material 4711 you want to determine the amount of time (periodsbackwards) between the last three hits. Today is September 1st. Hits(cumulative movements per day) actually occurred on August 1st, 15thand 30th. This means that the number of periods backward would be 31.