Description This program is used to make the fields of database tables 'NOT NULL'.The ABAP Dictionary definition of the tables is modified and placed intable TBATG for mass processing with function 'A10'. These requests arethen processed by activating the tables. Precondition Selection of the tables in the area 'Table contents calculation' forthe 'initial start' function described below. If the field 'all key fields' is selected, the key fields of all theselected tables is marked as 'NOT NULL'. If the field 'Filter for newtables' is selected, all the (permitted) fields of the selected tableswhich are also new in the defined release are marked as 'NOT NULL'. Ifthis field is not selected, all the selected tables are taken intoconsideration. This is only permitted for user DDIC and can causeextremely long runtimes! The area "Action" can be used to select what the program should do:
- 'Generate new tables'
Generate a list of the tables which are new in a release. This is onlyincluded for some SAP systems. Generation does not take place in theother systems.
- 'Delete TBATG requests'
Delete the TBATG requests which were generated by this program.