SAP Program RAAUFW02 - Revaluation and New Valuation of Assets

Revaluation and/or New Valuation of Assets

The type of valuation selected (revaluation or new valuation) depends onthe tab that was active at the time the report was started. If variantsare used, the system automatically activates the appropriate tab.

SAP ships a variant in which selection fields that are not required arehidden. This variant is the default starting variant. You can displaythe hidden selection fields if you want.

The data is output in an ALV grid list. You can display additionalfields there.

In file-based mass processing, you can use either a text file or anExcel file. The Excel file can only be edited by means of a workstationupload (this applies to both dialog mode and background mode). Theupload reads a maximum of 5,000 lines. If the file is larger, it is trun
cated. You should therefore break up the file into smaller files ifnecessary.
Insert a line in the file for each asset to be edited. The line layoutlooks like this:

  • Company code

  • Asset main number

  • Asset subnumber

  • Value of asset after new valuation

  • Offsetting account for the posting (optional)

  • Evaluation group for master data update (optional)

  • Do not enter a header line!!!
    A text file can be edited with a workstation upload or on the server.Use a comma as a separation character between the individual fields. Usea period as the decimal point. The line layout is the same.

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